Monday, August 15, 2011

Maybe I'm GOD

Sometimes I wondered, perhaps I'm God. Unfortunately, I'm NOT GOD. We all standing on the same starting line. There is no such thing like I'm smarter, that's why I know more, I don't have to study; I'm smarter, therefore I will know what you people don't know. We are all on same starting line, we all have the same chance to reach the finish point. The matter is who will be the first one. It all depends on the hard work. You run faster, you can lead among others. The slower you run, the more people will be leading you.

Same goes to me and you. What you just learnt is also what I just learnt. Don't think that I know before you. What you don't know is also what I'm not sure. I'm really not God that know everything. I'm maybe just a little bit more hardworking.

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