Wednesday, July 25, 2012


原来一直以来的努力 真的不会白费的

Congratulations! You have been offered an internship placement at PwC
Dear Jun Di,
Thank you for your interest in our internship programme.
We are pleased to offer you an internship placement from 1 October 2012 to 31 December 2012 in our IFS - Business Development Centre (Kuala Lumpur) team.

You know what? Its not a big DEAL getting into big four firms. 
People keep telling me that, "What? You are still waiting for a reply from PWC? No way! They are not taking interns for OCT. I already called, and they told me that."
It was like, "Who do think you are? Do you really think that they will take you? Its FULL!"

I was dissappointed. I knew they are not taking interns anymore. But, the fact is, they called me, they were asking about my interest. That's why I'm waiting. People are teasing over, and it felt bad. 

In fact, they really called again to place me an offer! They offered me even they are not taking interns anymore. This is what make me really proud and glad. People do see your hardwork, I know it was my results that shined up, nothing to be proud of. I know nothing, I have nothing to be shown, all I have is only my academic results, but they still take me. 
LUCK did play a role, and I know that my mom is there. Thank you! 

p/s: To everyone that back me up always. Thank you. And I'm willing to share the luck.

Love you mom.

1 comment:

michelle said...

so lucky r u :) jia you for ur intern ! :)