Monday, November 17, 2008


感谢吉隆坡循人中学辅导主任 郭富美老师爱心分享

如果是这样决定的话,其实还满可惜的。因为SPM持有者,按教育部规定只能念基础课程(Foundation Programmes)、国内外的大学预科班(Matriculation)、A水平或者中六STPM,不能直接念大学一年级的学士课程。而如果有统考证书(UEC),只要中等成绩,大概是五科B,就能直接念大学了。高三课程等于先修班/基础班课程在独中念书,其实最终目标应是一纸UEC证书。如果只想念到高二考取SPM的话,为何当初不干脆念国中就好?














Chloe Ng said...

then why dont you study senior three?
aikss =(
so bad.

Melvin Lee said...

agree with shimin!

After years, i saw one of my facebook friend posted on fb and realized this was you ! :)

Zzzz said...

There's only one thing to wish that the English level can be like 1119 or IELTS,so we don't have to spend another RM5xx to take IELTS

J said...

I'm sorry, but it only took the first paragraph of the statement to had me disagreeing with the entire post.

First off..


This is true. UEC grants international access to many educational institutes. But what difference does it make if one chooses between foundations/matriculation in comparison to UEC? The gizz here is that both UEC and foundations/matrics take a year to complete. The author who wrote this has a misconception about foundation and matriculation. Not all programs are like A-Levels, which takes a year and a half to complete. Essentially, this point is invalid in so many ways. Taking UEC is like taking any other foundations/matrics. Why? Because you spend a year completing it for the sake of furthering studies overseas.


Unfortunately, there wasn't much convincing proofs about why you should take UEC. Similar to any certs from Foundation/Matrics, you earn the privilege to go to any places. One thing I noticed about UEC holders? The number of students is more concentrated in countries such as China, Japan, HK, Singapore. In comparison to foundation/matrics student, the concentration is higher in places such as Australia, NZ, the States, SG too. This point isn't so much of an argument. Both certs from two different program grants different forms of international access. I'd say this boils down to a country's specific preference for educational qualification.


If it's about money, I can't argue. But there are very scholarships out there that function similarly to a UEC scholarship. Many sponsor you a free education without demanding a single penny in return. Once again, invalid argument.


This entire heading screams what I call the Chong Hwa bias. Deep to the core, this is why many Chong Hwa students fail to perform well with English/BM-related subjects, regardless of the importance the two languages hold. Chong Hwa students, let's not deny this. How many of us decided that acing Chinese-related subjects is more important than English/Bm subjects? I've seen so many students who abused this the wrong way. Because Chong Hwa is a Chinese based institution, we focus on acing Chinese subjects because it holds the most period counts. Yet, it does not scream that English is not important or beneficial in that sense. I understand the rise of Chinese language on an international level. But this is bias, bias, bias. Many countries still run on English as a language medium. Just because you are proficient in English and you are a straight A holder in UEC, doesn't mean you don't need English in life to succeed. Many UEC holders who aren't English proficient, end up giving so much bad impression. Some mates of mine can't even write proper English.


Like I mentioned in my first point. Time and Money shouldn't be a valid point in argument. Or else, the argument is invalid because you're not arguing based on the efficacy of UEC, you're arguing based on UEC + other factors. UEC = Foundation/Matrics =/= A Level.

Why? Again, because most foundation/matrics take a year to complete. Not every course is like A Lvls. In terms of money, I think it is a bad argument. Not necessarily just because something is cheap or expensive means that it is effective. Choosing between UEC and other programs is a freedom of choice.


I beg to differ, does that mean college students are not diligent? I can assure you most college/uni students are far competitive in comparison to UEC students from certain classes. Some UEC students treat UEC as another year to fool around. This again, invalid.


Enough with the biased argument. Who says entering a foundation/matric does not allow you to plan for your future/instill new values within one's self or provide an amazing experience in life? This is utterly garbage.

J said...

(following the previous comment)

I can understand if the author is trying to argue based on the efficacy of UEC in comparison to other programs. But what I see here is total bias, a propaganda to persuade Chong Hwa students who have other plans post-Senior Middle Two to drop their plans and consider pursuing UEC. There is very little statement that argues about why UEC is superior to the other courses, which is why I'm not buying it.

The only valid point I see here is the "International Access" (not really anyway). The rest about money, time or certification does not say anything solid.

Just because we are graduates of Chong Hwa, it doesn't mean we are better than others. I'm sorry to say. In the end, it is what you currently do that defines you, not what you used to do, where you came from.

The last three points, in my opinion says that the author is someone who prefers to be in his/her comfort zone. You can have amazing experience in college/uni too you know? You just need that extra courage to make new friends. The fact that the author is not encouraging us to be explore new areas in life is extremely wrong. Considering the fact that you gain socialization skills when you mingle with new people, and it is, a required skill no matter where you go.

The first few points about how Chinese is much more beneficial to us and how UEC shorter in terms of duration do no account. As a Chong Hwa graduate, I have never claimed either language to be superior, I find both equally helpful for but I take pride in the ability to speak in English because it is my first language. Why bicker about how Chinese is better than English?

Dear Senior Middle Two students or soon-to be UEC students. Take my words if you trust me. I am a 2010 graduate from Chong Hwa and I am currently 21 years old, in my final year of achieving my degree before making my mark in life as a working adult. I will not say what your teacher wrote is wrong, but I'll say it is bias. The way she portrays life after high school is too idealistic. In the real world, nothing is fixed. You are always in the flux of changing and adapting. You can ask other Chong Hwa graduates to verify this piece of news. Graduating top from Chong Hwa does not guarantee you will be the top in College or Universities.

Let's not forget that a number of us thrive in other languages. The convince one to stay for UEC simply because it is Chinese-based is very based. The author has forgotten that some of us do better in other languages. Thus, why is it wrong if other students chose foundation/matrics over UEC?

Don't get me wrong. I was raised in an bilingual environment. I speak conversational Chinese and English. I do not think either language is more important over the other. Sometimes, we need to learn Chinese to have know our identity.

But this post here is obviously preaching too much Chinese culture while somehow implying that English is far less important.

Again, I do not condemn either language. But I'd ask readers to critically evaluate between two different programs and not be deceived by the idealistic portrayal of UEC. UEC or not, you will have a point in time where you'll suffer in life. This is a rite of passage as an adolescent to an adult.

Thank you for sharing this shimin.

#5596 said...

I wholly agree, UEC is only attractive for certain students with certain prospects. It wasn't an attractive option to me as I wanted to pursue a law degree.

KLBA Chin said...

I am from Chong Hwa Private high school ! a pure 独中生. I sat for my UEC back to 1976.

I have no problems in getting to any Colleges and Universities except the local university !

wahaha said...

以下是郑丁贤写的, 感觉笔者过于夸大统考的功能。顶尖很多大学都不承认,当然如果你的目标是非英语系大学跟野鸡大学,统考可能很好用。


No way。统考不是公开考试,它缺乏国际能见度和识別度,这些大学也不会特別去体谅大马华人办学辛苦。所以別自欺欺人了!"